nutritional value of the olive and perhaps superior than that of oil, because
it has undergone some kind of treatment and thus retains the fruit in full all
of the properties. The olives fall into edible, namely those which are suitable
for being eaten, and ladoelies from which mainly comes olive oil. But there are
mixed varieties that are both appropriate to be eaten, and to give oil.
Olives can not be eaten straight after cutting in from the tree, because it is bitter. Need to undergo a procedure, which will be described below. Only exception is known as olives Throumbes rupee as they are called in Lesvos, which fall from the tree after very mature and shrivel, “stafidiasoun.”
Several known olive tree varieties marketed are the kalamata olives with the pointy end, the Amfisas Olives which are large and round etc.
The color having the olives, which can be green, purple, dark purple, dark brown and black is not due to some kind of selection, but in whether ripened.